Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#1An object I would print that would help out the world would be an ingredient that combines to make food. The reason I would like to use this object is to help the world. In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty”. Every year 15 million children die of hunger. If we are able to print this object there would be less death rates and there wouldn’t be as much as starvation as before.

#2 One item I would print for myself would be a private jet. When I’m older I would like to travel all around the world, and to do so I would like my own private jet. I like other countries' cultures, experiencing new things I haven’t done or seen before, and most of all, languages. A reason I would like the private jet is because in the airport I highly dislike the waiting and the crowded conditions. If I had my own plane, I would set the time and date for the travels so I wouldn’t have to worry if I had missed my flight. It would be much more peaceful and quiet.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Many economies in developed countries have an effective impact on co2 emission. Almost all co2 emissions (about 96.5%) come from fossil fuel use. the most common types of fossil fules are coal, petroleum, natural gas, methane and propane. When these fuels are burned, they react with oxygen and produce carbon dioxide and the carbon stored in them is emitted almost entirely as co2.
The most important source of co2 emissions worldwide is caused by the transportation sector, which carries people and goods by cars, ships and others. The impact that transporting people and goods has on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change is so large that it is beyond emission from all industrial manufacturing.  On other main large impact on co2 emission are industries. Many manufacturing facilities directly use fossil fules to create heat and steam needed during various stage productions. Also their energy intensive activities use more electricity than any other sector.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

1. What is the benefit of checking feces (poop, scat, dung, droppings) for hormones versus checking the blood of the animal? The benefit of checking feces because it contains important information about the animal’s travels, diet and health.Where as the checking the blood of the animal only has information about ancestory or how the body functions.
2. What four things can you learn from an organism's droppings?

you can learn about animal’s travels, diet, health and when an animal poops, the droppings contain cells from the creature’s own digestive tract. Those cells contain DNA, a molecule unique to each animal.
3. What hormone is produced when some animals are stressed or starving?
The hormone is called glicocorticoid (GLU ko KOR ti koid).
4. What did the researchers conclude contributed to the higher stress in orcas and how did the scientists come to that conclusion? When the number of Chinook salmon, a favorite food, dropped, GC levels in the orca scat rose. The scientist concluded this because in  August, there were plenty of fish for the whales to eat  Around that time, GC levels in the whale poop dropped to their lowest levels.
5.  Give two reasons why dung beetles climb atop the balls of dung.
An individual beetle rolls the dung to where it can eat in peace and they also climb atop their balls of dumg  to keep their feet cool when its hot .
6.  What is the relationship between the Kakapo and the Hades flowers?  In your answer, be sure to include how each species benefits the other. The flower fed the bird, the bird probably also helped the flower. Kakapos have whiskerlike feathers just right for picking up pollen when they feed on a Hades blossom. When the parrots transferred that pollen from flower to flower, it would have pollinated the plant.  kakapos could help the Hades flower thrive again.

7. Why is the Hades flower called "Hades" flower?
This flower was memes after the Greek god, Hades, 'god of the underworld'. It was named after him because this flower grows underground.

Friday, January 25, 2013


1. Scientists predict that prune fingers may serve a purpose. What purpose do they suggest prune finger serve? Scientist predicts that prune finger may serve a purpose because it improves our fingers’ ability to grasp wet, slippery objects.

2. Do you think that the study performed in England was a valid study? Why or why not?

Yes, I think the study preformed in England was valid study because the experiment include control group, before and after result and I believe it was repeated more than one to prove the result and it also include variables.

3. How would you design an experiment to gather more data to support the suggestion that prune fingers serve a purpose? (Be sure to include the number of people sampled, the independent and dependent variables and the duration or amount of time for your experiment.)

For this experiment I would have 20 volunteers. I would have regular temperature water for the volunteers to submerge their hands in. each individual participant well have both of their hand submerged in the water. Each participant well soak there hand in the water for about 30 min. after the process is done they would use both of their hands to move objects such as glass, cardboard box and a ball. I well time how long it takes each participant to place the object from one place to other. I well time them for about 5min depending on how far the place is. On the next day I would have the same volunteers but this time both of their hands well be dry, they well do the same process as the one before. Then I well compare the result for each experiment. My independent variable is Freshwater. My dependent variables would be the time that was set for the volunteers to put an object from one place to another.
4. While scientists are attempting to determine the biological purpose for prune fingers, the article does not discuss why prune fingers happen in the first place. What biological process allows for the skin on our hands and feet to turn wrinkly when submerged in water for long periods of time?

The biological process that allows for the skin on our hand and feet to turn wrinkly when submerged in water for a long period of time is osmosis.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

1. How long does nature take to produce fuel?
The formation of oil takes millions of years. The process in the formation is when deceased bodies escapes the decomposition they are buried inside the earth which further they undergo reaction and they result in formation of oil.
2. How long does it take Solazyme to produce fuel?
It takes a few days for solazyme to produce fuel.
3. Where is Solazyme currently located?
Solazyme was currently located in peoria Illionis.